With the implementation of the Companies Act, 2013, a single person could constitute a Company, under the One Person Company (OPC) concept. The introduction of OPC in the legal system is a move that would encourage corporatization of micro businesses and entrepreneurship.
Registering a private limited company requires the support of CA/CS/Lawyer as the legal procedures are involved in it, company registration a complicated process but does not worry our team of experts will guide you.
Apply RUN ( Reserve Unique Name Form ) (Name Availability)
Digital Signature should be acquired by those agencies which are appointed or controlled by certification agencies. (CCA). IF you already have digital signature then you can use the same, no need to apply for another one. but check once for validity, maximum limit is upto 1-2 years after expiry you can renew it.
IN CASE OF MCA PORTAL,This is about having a registered user account on MCA Portal for filing a eForm, for online fee payment, for different transactions as registered and business user. Creating an account is totally free of cost.
FOR this final procedure in registration of the company which includes incorporation of company name, MOREOVER, registration of office address notice for appointment of company directors, managers, etc.. After submitting the form you will receive an approved application by MCA. Hence, YOU will receive the confirmation email regarding the application of incorporation of new company, and form will change to approve it.
Method 1:
Incorporating a Company via RUN (Reserve Unique Name) form: In an attempt to ease procedures for new as well as existing companies, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has introduced RUN web service for the incorporation of a company and company registration RUN From gives only Two (2) chance for applying one is original submission and the other is in resubmission mode, You must ensure that the names should not be general and should be closely resembling with other companies detailed understanding of name availability guidelines In one application we can apply for Two names, in case of Resubmission we can apply for the next two names
Method 2:
Apply directly Directly in SPICE INC -32 for company registration and get a direct certificate of incorporation, the only pitfall is that we can apply only one name and all legal documents must be fully prepared to proceed with this, if the name is rejected then we have to completely redo entire documents such as INC- 9 ( Affidavit), DIR -2 ( Director Concent) and all other documents including NOC from owner
The concept of One person company is quite revolutionary. It gives the individual entrepreneurs all the benefits of a company, which means they will get credit, bank loans, access to market, limited liability, and legal protection available to companies. Prior to the new Companies Act, 2013 coming into effect, at least two shareholders were required to start a company. But now the concept of One Person Company (OPC) would provide tremendous opportunities for small businessmen and traders, now the OPC would help them do business as an enterprise and give them an opportunity to start their own ventures with a formal business structure, Further, the amount of compliance by a one person company is much lesser in terms of filing returns, balance sheets, audit etc. The new concept would also boost the confidence of small entrepreneurs.