Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewal application can be filed before or after the end of validity date to extend the validity by 10 years. File trademark renewal applications online.

Starting at Rs.12,799/-
EMI Available

How To Renew Trademark?

A trademark is used by a business to distinguish its goods or services from other similar goods or services from a different business. The trademark symbols, logos, labels, names are represented with an “R” at the end. A trademark can be registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. The trademark cannot be registered if it is found offensive, non-distinct and contains government emblems.

Collect Trademark
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Trademark Registration Procedure Explained

  • Better Recognition & Reach in the Market
The registration of a Trademark establishes easy reach to the people being unique in its nature and has a branding to it. With a registered Trademark, the customers will be able to easily identify the product / business based on such trademark.
  • Legal Protection at Minimal Cost
Any infringement of a registered trademark can be sued by the person/entity owning such trademark.
  • Use of Symbol ®
An entity having a registered trademark can use such trademark for a period of 10 years with the symbol ® next to it. In case it is applied for but not yet registered the symbol ™ can be used.

Trademark Classes

A trademark is employed by a business to differentiate its goods or services from other similar goods or services from a special business. The trademark symbols, logos, labels, names are represented with an “R” at the top . A trademark are often registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. The trademark can't be registered if it's found offensive, non-distinct and contains government emblems.

How To Avoid Trademark Application Rejection

The Trademark is not similar to an existing Trademark

The Trademark is not a well known or generic

The Trademark is not deceptive or misleading people

The Trademark contains bad or offensive words

The Trademark contains words like Government or President or other well-known personalities